I am sure it comes as second nature to a professional but as a complete amateur who had not built a pc for nearly 10 years before this one, I was not aware that fan headers gave off anything other than 12v or were linked to motherboard temperature sensors and, certainly not that you could change that linkage in the bios. Job done! There is nothing about going into the bios or downloading fan control software. just says "connect power connector to any available 3 pin fan header on the motherboard". not overclocked so only one case fan in a Corsair Carbide case and all other temperatures are well in spec. but a not entirely intuitive experience in what I had expected to be a straightforward consumer setup! But logical when you think about it.Īnd the fan is set on exhaust. which was dreadful and giving me BSODs every day. I dont remember seeing any advice in the installation instructions to use the Corsair software to control the fans. And the fan is controlled by the bios using cpu temperature and is evidently working as it should looking at my cpu temperature now. I have discovered by trial and error that the system works most efficiently on continuous 12v supply to the pump and have disabled the inbuilt controls. My requirement is silence and a very stable system for Speech Recognition (Dragon). I don't mean to exceed the scope of this forum and I'll keep on the topic of MSI Intel Motherboards here, but I thought I'd organize my thoughts a bit and ask a few questions that you might be able to answer.Yes, I have an unlocked Core i5 8600k. If I have six fans outside those on the GPU, two of which are mounted on the radiator of the AIO cooler (I believe the AIO's pump and AIO radiator fans occupy their own headers, correct?), does this mean that I will need to purchase a fan controller in order to control the speed of all six?

It appears that the z690-a has 5 SYS_FAN headers. With solution B there is no speed control available and the fans run at 100% all the time, correct? Sorry again for the unfamiliarity, I purchased this pc prebuilt and it's been a while since I built my last one so I'm being a bit cautious with things.Īfter reading up on the topic it's my understanding that fans generally plug into either: A.) the motherboard, B.) the PSU, or C.) a fan hub/controller which then plugs into the motherboard.Īs the SYS_FAN headers on the motherboard are empty, I have to assume mine is using solution B.